Building Faith
Faith Awakening
It was the Summer of 1980 and I was sitting on my front porch in Greenville, MI with my brother Robert. He just finished telling me that his life had recently changed. He wasn’t “partying” anymore. I remember there was a real somber look on his face before he began sharing with Greg, my other brother, and myself about what brought on this dramatic change. He shared with us that he had given his life to Christ. His words pierced me deeply. I knew that every single word he said was true. You see, I had already heard this story somewhere. That’s right, when I was very young, I heard the Gospel story about Jesus. I remembered raising my hand to accept Jesus into my heart. But, where did it go? Why was I hearing this story again, and why hadn't I grown at all in my knowledge of God or His ways? I only knew OF Jesus, I didn’t know him at all.
That night I went quietly to my room to go to bed. The air felt electrical; my body and mind were numb. I stood in front of my bed and knelt down. I was sad but determined. I felt as if I had just awakened from a very long sleep. I prayed to God quietly and gave my life to Christ. This time, I knew that I was going to be forever changed. Something locked in. I asked Christ to forgive my faithless, sin-filled life. When I crawled into bed my mind was filled with what I can only describe as a “rethinking” of everything.
What I learned over the next several weeks and months was that I was not living in reality at all. I was very hungry for truth and read the Bible at every moment that I could find. I didn't understand half of what I was reading, but then I was introduced to Bible teachers who began to help me understand what I was reading. The first thing I began to realize was that I had been walking around in an absolute daze, not really seeing the world as it was. Jesus’ words moved me deeply as he taught the disciples about honesty, integrity, and about the reality of heaven, earth, and hell. Breathing free air for the first time caused me to want to do one thing passionately, and that was to share this good news with anyone who would listen. I absolutely wanted others to be able to see what I was seeing. I was courageous and a little reckless. You see, when you tell a 17-year-old football player that he can do anything through Christ who strengthens him, you better know he took it seriously.
In time, I learned somewhat painfully that not everyone is interested in what Jesus taught. I was disappointed when even family members ignored my radical new faith. I am sure that they hoped it was a passing fad. But it wasn’t. I was awakened and there was no turning back.
Jesus taught in John 3, that we must be born again. This resurrection of sorts awaits all who give their lives to Christ in honesty and abandonment. Jesus also taught that one cannot look back at one’s former life. When I look back at the life I once lived, I shake my head and just see that young angry, dishonest, proud, lust-filled Moose-man who just didn’t have a clue.
Since then, my journey has been tough, but wonderful at every stage. God has blessed my decision to follow Him with rewards that would take months to recount.
So, what was it? What happened in me that changed everything? It is pretty simple. Faith. I grew older in my journey and gained more knowledge. It has gotten easier and tougher all at the same time. Because as we are more awakened to what is real, we have to respond to it. Our choices become more complicated.
Right NOW? Christians everywhere are being tested at a very new level while the world has changed under our feet. Most of those who have been awake know that this has been a slow incremental change, but has accelerated at dizzying speeds. Mankind has been programmed into a sleep that will make it easier for the great deception to continue. What is that deception? That man will not be held accountable for their sins, willful ignorance, and rejection of Christ. That mankind will sell themselves for a loaf of bread or a monthly check.
Christ IS coming! All mankind will be judged on the basis of their deeds and ultimately on one “deed” – whether we accepted God’s wonderful gift of His Son. So, what do we do? We continue growing. We continue thriving even in the midst of “Babylon.” We keep trusting and sharing our faith. But, one thing that I wish to focus on for the next several days is on our FAITH - to believe for God’s supernatural protection. Faith to believe that we can expose the enemies lies. That we will pray with laser-like discernment and expectation.
Are you ready? As they say, it is about to get real.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor David M. Schmaltz