Their Stories
Welcome! As your Pastor, I am privileged to serve you in these hope-filled days. There is a fresh wind blowing at VCC. This is God’s time for us! God placed on Andrea’s and my heart many years ago that the valley of dry bones would one day be a place of life and a place of springs. There is a hope and a future for all of us in the valley, if we are ready to reach out and take it. FORWARD is a campaign to help us prepare for what God wants to do among us. This a two-part expansion.
1. Expansion of our hearts to embrace God’s vision.
2. The expansion of our facilities to make room for the harvest of souls.
We have a vision to love and worship God with excellence, equip people with biblical truth, and to reach our world with the Gospel every single day. FORWARD is all about helping all of us together, by God’s grace, make it happen. Let’s move FORWARD together!
- Pastor David
Valley Community Church has been in existence for over 30 years. We have been in our current building for almost 20 of those years. The church has grown steadily from a handful of families meeting in a Weldon home, to a store front in Roanoke Rapids, then to our current facility, which we have improved over time to what it has now become. This took a lot of people, doing a lot of work, sacrificing a lot of time, and giving a lot of money to make it happen. These faithful saints sacrificed to get us into the facility we enjoy! Now, it's our turn!
It is a biblical principle to "make room" at the table. This philosophy allows worshippers to find a church in which they feel comfortable. Thus, our weekend service days are important days; we need enough room to park, to fellowship before and after services, to teach children, and to comfortably seat people. We must make more room in all of these areas. We have been faithful stewards of the facilities and resources God has supplied through the many believers who have called Valley home. As a result we have added three more services, grown to over 600 worshippers, baptized many new believers, and organized dozens of community outreaches all over our region. We have equipped many believers to lead small groups, travel overseas, plant churches, lead people to Christ, and start new ministries in our region. Valley has been given a place of spiritual influence as we embrace God's heart for this region. It is time for us to embrace the next phase.
We are grateful that years ago, Valley was able to purchase land, so now, by God's grace, we can build a new worship center. FORWARD is a time for our church to come together and ask God to help us find our part, embracing His vision for our region. God has used Valley in very powerful ways over the past 30 years. Imagine the many more lives that will be impacted by the spaces that we will create for more people to worship, fellowship, connect, teach, reach, and grow. Will you join us?
300+ Salvations
61% Growth
Hundreds of Families joined Valley in Membership
200+ Baptisms
Valley Community Church has given over $200,000 to Outreach and Missions