SUPER Bible Thoughts for the Day
If you have been like me, then lately you have given much thought to what is true. We listen to many voices - people claiming they know exactly what's going on. We are often drawn in by the secretive revelations and our hopes get inflamed. So, there comes a time when your brain just gets so tired of hearing so many different opinions, ideas and perspectives that you just get worn out, especially when you don’t see the plans playing out as was promised. Then your heart yells out “What IS true?”
This experience got me thinking about the Bible, and why the Bible is so incredibly important as an absolute anchor for truth. See, I have dedicated myself to studying the Bible as incontrovertible truth. This truth is where it all must begin and end. Jesus said “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” Surely, he meant more than just His existence. We know that Jesus is the very word of God. John tells us this. Therefore, His message, his essence, his eternal, life purpose is to help us find the way, the truth, and the life.
So, when we think of the Bible, we must realize that God was giving us a true picture of how things ought to be. He was helping us see and understand that as man comes and goes and is tempted to reinterpret His Word and ways, there will always be His truth, the anchor, the original that we can compare our thoughts and actions to. It shouldn’t amaze me, but it still does that even now I see another generation reinterpreting God’s Word in such colorful, deceptive and demonic ways. Mankind, without God, will do everything using their God-given talents, ironically, to sidestep God’s truth and remove Him from the discussion. The goal? – to lift up man or whatever he/she call themselves, to be their own god.
One of the dangers of Bible study is giving into the temptation to take what culture is pushing or “discovering” and reinterpret the Bible from this new cultural construct. The Jews did this when studying their Torah during the Hellenistic period. They essentially took the Mythology of the Greeks and used the interpretive method (allegory) and applied it to their own historical writings – what we call the Old Testament. What resulted? A mess. Many Jews, certainly not all, do not believe or embrace their very specific history as recorded by Moses, Samuel, David, Solomon, and the Prophets, but see them as just fanciful writings with Aesop, fable-like lessons. Pretty sad. Unfortunately, that is the deceptive power of reinterpreting God words and ways, not to mention actual history through cultural theories and the “isms” of man. My point? We are still doing this today. Even Christians? Yeah, even us. What's scary is the reinterpreting of language in such a way as that it means - nothing.
Yes, this is a battle, but we do not march unarmed. God is a defender of His word and ways. We, the Church, march under the banner of the risen and victorious Savior, Jesus Christ. He IS truth, He will not be dethroned, and His word will not fall to the ground void or not accomplishing its purpose. Even if it seems that the world’s deceptive, illusionary plan is succeeding, think again. The Bible tells us that there would be a great deceptive influence that will come over the earth in the last days that even believers would be mesmerized and deceived by it. How do we escape its allure, its high definition, CGI, happy feet, buy a shoe - save a tree, don’t question our lies – world? The solution is and always will be the unaltered, non-anachronized Word of God! God says it will provide light, direction, hope, power, faith, grace, perspective, freedom, victory, blessings, discernment, and eternal life to all who believe and follow it - as it was written AND intended.
One last thought. When God wrote with His own hand, and gave Moses the Ten Commandments, He wrote them on stone – not on paprus. It may be just me, but I’m thinking He did that because He wanted those distinctive unpopular moral directives to be more than just relevant for that time, but to last forever.