Listen to This

David M. Schmaltz  

We all have stories we like to tell about our experiences – funny stories, growing up stories, sports stories, vacation stories. We like to tell others what we have experienced to liven up a party or let others know more about who we are. Sharing our life is our way of reaching for people sometimes. By listening to people tell their stories we show interest and kindness.

I’m a storyteller. My dad was a storyteller. When my dad died, I received a couple of boxes from my sister who was caring for him before he died. Inside were pages and pages of my dad's stories about his life. Honestly, they weren’t life changing experiences, nothing from which a novel might arise. But, they were his stories. He documented his thoughts on events. He also chronicled some of my uncles’, aunts’ and cousins’ journeys. Lots of interesting people there. I had an aunt who worked as a nurse to the Sioux Indians in South Dakota most of her life. I had horse racing jockey cousins, an NBA basketball cousin, and a sailor who was apart of the North Pole expedition. I suppose one day I will follow in my dad’s footsteps and start writing down the many journeys I have experienced. In the meantime, let me share with you my favorite stories.

My favorite stories to tell are about how the Holy Spirit has led me to live my life. I essentially grew up without any religious ideas regarding God other than that He existed, which I firmly believed, and that Jesus came to the earth.  I never doubted this story. I guess it was because I had heard it from such a young age. It was deeply placed in my mind by a Psalm 139 God, so that when the time God tapped on my shoulder to follow him, these core beliefs were the key. 

What I learned from the beginning without any hindrance from contrary teaching was that God speaks to His children. I was immediately drawn to this concept, and it was a very natural transition for me. I knew I just needed to listen. I believe I have heard the audible voice of God a couple of times from either a dream or visions which I have had several. But, the most profound communications came from the inner voice that comes through what we call the conscience. I like to describe this as the inner radio system into which God was always intended to be dialed. Because of sin, it shorted out. It was dead. But, the Holy Spirit through belief in Christ, restores our ability to hear the voice of God once again. Really, all five spiritual senses come back to life when we receive Christ. (Another story)

The Bible tells us that God is always speaking yet people fail to perceive his voice. Job 33:14

I was challenged by this, especially knowing that the Holy Spirit was here to speak and to lead us into all truth. Boy, do I have some stories to tell. Why? Because I have learned to listen and to follow Christ through this still small voice and the all-important confirmation through His written Word. The very best things that have ever happened in my life have come from listening, hearing, and obeying the voice of God.  And that is very best story of all.  Want to hear more?  Hang around, I’ve got some tales to tell. 

In His service,


David M. Schmaltz  


Is That a Speck I See?


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